Well, with all this talk of gas and electric ranges and my obsession with how to clean them, I only now came up with this -- and you already knew it:
I was having a problem removing streaks from the black enameled top of the SAMSUNG shown below. My problem was that I couldn't sufficiently expunge (with a sponge!!!) the residue from the dish soap I was using. Should know that it and the residue left behind in tea towels -- for drying -- cannot be easily wiped away.
I had a gallon of white vinegar at hand, so, I moistened a few wet paper towels with the vinegar, swabbed the stove's deck, and wiped it all up, streak-free, mind you, with a clutch of PTs.
VOILA' -- no more streaks. Therefore, I retract what I wrote earlier about not having CORNING glass tops, et al., because my ignorance was showing.
So obvious, the wonders of white vinegar!